
Version v2.14.5 Changelog

Tautulli News

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Tautulli Configuration

Loading configuration table...

Tautulli Scheduled Tasks

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Display Settings

Set your preferred date format. Click here to see the parameter list.

Set your preferred time format. Click here to see the parameter list.

Change the "Play by day of week" graph to start on Monday. Default is start on Sunday.

Include current activity in the history tables. Statistics will not be counted until the stream has ended.

Enable if you want Tautulli to calculate the total file size for TV Shows/Seasons and Artists/Albums on the media info tables.

Enable to mask passwords, access tokens, and public IP addresses, and email addresses with asterisks (*) in the logs.
Note: Only logs from the time this setting is enabled will be masked. Do not post your logs publically without masking sensitive information!

Enable to mask Plex usernames with asterisks (*) in the logs.
Note: Only logs from the time this setting is enabled will be masked.

History Logging

The interval (in seconds) an item must be in a playing state before logging it. 0 to disable.

Set the percentage for a movie to be considered as watched. Minimum 50, Maximum 95.

Set the percentage for a TV episode to be considered as watched. Minimum 50, Maximum 95.

Set the percentage for a music track to be considered as listened. Minimum 50, Maximum 95.

Decide whether to use end credits markers to determine the 'watched' state of video items. When markers are not available the selected threshold percentage will be used.

Group play history for the same item and user as a single entry when progress is less than the watched percent.

Fix grouping of play history in the database.

Attempt to fix history logging by flushing out all of the temporary sessions in the database.
Warning: This will reset all currently active sessions. For emergency use only when history logging is stuck!


Enable to check for Tautulli updates.

The interval (in hours) Tautulli will check for a new update. Minimum 1, default 6.

Update Tautulli automatically if an update is available.

Enable to allow Tautulli to send repeat update notifications everytime it checks for updates. Disable to only send one notifications for each Tautulli version.

Optional: Use your own GitHub API token when checking for updates.


Set the interval (in seconds) to refresh the current activity on the homepage. Minimum 2, default 10.


Select the sections to show on the homepage. Drag the items below to reorder your homepage content.

Watch Statistics

Select the cards to show in the watch statistics on the home page. Drag the items below to reorder your homepage content.

Library Statistics

Select the cards to show in the library statistics on the home page. Drag the items below to reorder your homepage content.

    Web Interface

    Note: Web interface changes require a restart.

    Launch browser pointed to Tautulli on startup.

    (Controlled by Docker Container)

    Port to bind web server to. Note that ports below 1024 may require root.

    Set your public Tautulli domain for self-hosted notification images and newsletters. (e.g.

    The base URL of the web server. Used for reverse proxies.

    Respect the X-Forwarded-Proto header. Used for reverse proxies with SSL.

    Enable HTTPS for web server for encrypted communication.

    Check to have Tautulli create a self-signed SSL certificate. Uncheck if you want to use your own certificate.

    The domain names used to access Tautulli, separated by commas (,).

    The IP addresses used to access Tautulli, separated by commas (,).

    The location of the SSL certificate in PEM format.

    The location of the SSL certificate chain in PEM format.

    The location of the SSL key in PEM format.


    Note: Authentication changes require a restart.

    Username for web server authentication. Leave empty to disable.

    Password for web server authentication. Leave empty to disable.

    Allow the Plex server admin to login as a Tautulli admin using their account.

    Allow shared users to login to Tautulli using their account. Individual user access needs to be enabled from Users > Edit Mode.


    Allow external applications to interface with Tautulli.

    API key used to access the Tautulli API.

    Plex Media Server Version

    Select your Plex Media Server from the dropdown menu or enter an IP address or hostname.

    Port that Plex Media Server is listening on.

    Connect to your Plex server using HTTPS if you have secure connections enabled.

    The server URL that Tautulli will use to connect to your Plex server. Retrieved automatically.

    The unique identifier for your Plex server. Retrieved automatically.

    Use the user defined connection details. Do not retrieve the server connection URL automatically.

    Optional: Manually override the Plex Web URL used for click-through links on the media info pages and notifications. Default

    Optional: Set your Plex logs folder to use Tautulli as a log viewer. Plex logs are not needed for Tautulli to function. A complete folder path is required, shortcuts are not recognized, and the logs must be accessible from the machine where Tautulli is installed. Click here for help.

    Enable to cache images from Plex to reduce API calls and improve loading times.
    Note: Video preview thumbnails (BIF) are not cached.

    Server Monitoring

    Enable to have Tautulli check if updates are available for the Plex Media Server.

    The interval (in hours) Tautulli will check for a new Plex Media Server update. Minimum 1, default 24.

    Enable to allow Tautulli to send repeat Plex server update notifications everytime it checks for updates. Disable to only send one notifications for each Plex server version.

    The interval (in hours) Tautulli will request an updated friends list from Minimum 1, maximum 24, default 12.

    Refresh the users list when Tautulli starts.

    The interval (in hours) Tautulli will request an updated libraries list from your Plex Media Server. Minimum 1, maximum 24, default 12.

    Refresh the libraries list when Tautulli starts. Authentication

    Fetch a new account authentication token.

    Current Activity Notifications

    The number of buffer events required before triggering the first notification. Buffer events increment on each incoming websocket message if the play state is buffering.
    Note: Buffer warnings only work on certain Plex clients. Some clients can send excessive buffer messages or no messages at all. This notification may be unreliable and not indicative of a real problem.

    The value (in seconds) Tautulli should wait before triggering the next buffer warning. Set to 0 to always trigger.

    Enable to allow sending of playback stop notifications after the watched percent is exceeded. Disable to only send playback stop notifications below the watched percent.

    Enable to only send a concurrent streams notification by a single user from different IP addresses. Disable to send a concurrent streams notification anytime the concurrent stream threshold is exceeded regardless of IP address.

    The number of concurrent streams by a single user for Tautulli to trigger a notification. Minimum 2.

    Enable to only send a new device notification the first time a user streams from a new device. Disable to send a new device notification everytime a user streams from the device until it is recorded in history (i.e. exceeds the ignore interval).

    The number of seconds between stopping and starting a new stream to be considered as a continued session. Set to 0 to consider all streams as new sessions.
    Note: The threshold is only used by the "Initial Stream" notification parameter to determine if a stream is the first stream of a continuous streaming session.

    Recently Added Notifications

    Enable to only send one season or album notification when multiple episodes or tracks are added. Movies, single episodes, and single tracks are unaffected.
    Note: An episode/track range can be shown (e.g. 01-12), but all other episode/track metadata will be unavailable.

    Enable to only send one TV show or artist notification when multiple seasons or albums are added. Movies, single episodes, and single tracks are unaffected.
    Note: A season range can be shown (e.g. 1-3), but all other season/episode/album/track metadata will be unavailable.

    Set the delay (in seconds) to wait for consecutive recently added items to group together and to allow metadata to be processed before sending the recently added notification. Minimum 60 seconds, default 300.

    Attempt to fix recently added notifications by flushing out all of the recently added items in the database.
    Warning: This will reset all recently added notifications. For emergency use only when recently added notifications are stuck!

    Server Notifications

    The duration (in seconds) for the Plex server to be down before sending a notification. Minimum 60, default 60.

    The duration (in seconds) for Plex remote access to be down before sending a notification. Minimum 60, default 60.


    Enable to host newsletters on your own domain. This will generate a link to an HTML page where you can view the newsletter.

    Enable to use newsletter templates with inline CSS styles. Inline styles render better in email clients, but are larger in size which may cause long newsletters to be clipped.
    Note: This setting does not affect custom templates. CSS styles will depend on your own template.

    Optional: Enter the full path to your custom newsletter templates folder. Leave blank for default.

    (Controlled by Docker Container)

    Enter the full path to where newsletter files will be saved.

    Notification Agents

    Add a new notification agent, or configure an existing notification agent by clicking on the item below.

    Please see the Notification Agents Guide for instructions on setting up each notification agent.

    Loading notification agents...

    Newsletter Agents

    Add a new newsletter agent, or configure an existing newsletter agent by clicking on the item below.

    Warning: The Image Hosting setting must be enabled for images to display on the newsletter.

    Loading newsletter agents...

    Image Hosting

    Image hosting is used to provide posters and artwork for some notification agents and newsletters.

    Select where to host Plex images for notifications and newsletters.

    Metadata Lookups

    Metadata lookups are used to provide additional links for notifications when available.

    Enable to lookup links to TheMovieDB (and IMDb if needed) for movies and TV shows when available.

    Enable to lookup links to TVmaze (and IMDb if needed) for TV shows when available.

    Enable to lookup links to MusicBrainz for music when available.

    Delete all cached metadata lookup info in Tautulli.


    Click a button below to import an existing database from the selected app.

    Click the button below to import a previous Tautulli configuration.


    The interval (in hours) Tautulli will backup the database and configuration file. Minimum 1, maximum 24, default 6.

    The number of days to keep scheduled backups. Minimum 1, default 3.
    Note: Manual backups are not removed automatically.


    (Controlled by Docker Container)
    (Controlled by Docker Container)
    (Controlled by Docker Container)
    (Controlled by Docker Container)

    Tautulli Remote App

    Get the Tautulli Remote app on Google Play or the App Store to access Tautulli from your mobile device.

    Get it on Google Play Download on the App Store Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
    Apple and the Apple Logo are trademarks of Apple Inc.

    Register a new device using a QR code, or configure an existing device by clicking on the item below.

    Warning: The API must be enabled under Web Interface to use the app.

    Loading registered devices...