Last days
Last months

Daily play count by media type Last 30 days

The total play count or duration of tv, movies, and music played per day. Click a graph point to open up a list of items played for that specific date.

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Play count by day of week Last 30 days

The combined total of tv, movies, and music played per day of the week.

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Play count by hour of day Last 30 days

The combined total of tv, movies, and music played per hour of the day.

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Play count by top 10 platforms Last 30 days

The combined total of tv, movies, and music played by top 10 most active platforms.

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Play count by top 10 users Last 30 days

The combined total of tv, movies, and music played by top 10 most active users.

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Daily play count by stream type Last 30 days

The total play count or duration of tv, movies, and music by the transcode decision. Click a graph point to open up a list of items played for that specific date.

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Daily concurrent stream count by stream type Last 30 days

The total count of concurrent streams of tv, movies, and music by the transcode decision.

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Play count by source resolution Last 30 days

The combined total of tv and movies by their original resolution (pre-transcoding).

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Play count by stream resolution Last 30 days

The combined total of tv and movies by their streamed resolution (post-transcoding).

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Play count by platform and stream type Last 30 days

The combined total of tv, movies, and music by platform and stream type.

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Play count by user and stream type Last 30 days

The combined total of tv, movies, and music by user and stream type.

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Total play count by month Last 12 months

The combined total of tv, movies, and music by month.

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